How to overcome loneliness when working from home

May 6, 2021 | Blog

Everyone dreams to work from home to experience the freedom of working from anywhere you choose and to be your own boss. Well, virtual assistants give you that and more.

While virtual assistants have tremendous benefits it comes with a few hidden dangers such as feelings of extreme loneliness, depression, isolation, and burnout.

I love what I’m doing, but somehow unexpectedly, I am feeling lonely. Do you feel the same? I know, I do. You will undoubtedly experience those feelings. It blocks your creative potentials and procrastination comes in. Honestly, it can be extremely lonely working from home.

Everyone faces these struggles, we handle it differently. As such feelings of Isolation and alone can produce serious negative consequences on your emotional health, your productivity, and performance.

If you recognize many of these feelings in yourself, don’t worry you are not alone. I feel it too. Fighting all these feelings is a simple matter of self-care. You need good ways to separate yourself from your work so that you can recharge and find balance.

The following helps me alleviate the feeling of loneliness working at home, maybe it will help you too!

  • Set your goal – Set 1-2 goals you want to work for the week and focus on those. I read in one book that says: If you have to eat two frogs eat the ugliest one first – by Brian Tracy or do you remember the old saying: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
  • Set aside 30 minutes each day for you – No gadgets, unplug everything. Close your eyes and take a deep breath and meditate. You can try a quick trip to the salon to pamper yourself, do that pedi that has been put off for a while, or read a book you might learn something new.
  • Start exercising – Study has shown that exercising especially early in the morning gives your brain a hit of dopamine, serotonin, and adrenaline, the three “happy and focused” chemicals that our bodies crave when we have things to do, and no desire to do it. As little as 20 minutes of exercise per day can boost the chemicals in your brain to higher levels, giving you more focus, productivity, energy and drive to accomplish more each day.
  • Dress up even if you work from home – One study suggests that those who wear professional clothing are more likely to perform better at tasks than those who dress casually. Let’s be honest one of the perks working from home is that you can roll out of bed and be on duty in a minute or less with your pajamas. I work from home and I confess that my short and racer back shirt serves as my work attire. But is my relaxed dress impacting my work?

“Working from home might not demand much human interaction, but your soul does. ” – Marie Forleo

Can you relate to the loneliness, depression, and isolation that comes from working at home? How do you overcome all these feelings?

Please leave a comment below and share your experience working at home, I am excited to hear from you! 🙂
